Wannabe Art

A place where one old woman shares her daily ups and downs and her attempts at art with strangers and friends out in Internet land.

Friday, January 13, 2006

A Little of This and That

Picked up my machine...and the clicking noise is gone...it needed a small adjustment that was off a little...so while at the shop picked up some wool thread and some ribbon floss and some topstitch thread to play with. I just knew I couldn't go in that store and come out with just my machine.

Have been learning to crochet, my friend Pam has given me two lessons and my own green crochet hook. My husband has gotten concern because he thinks I am acting like an old lady...crocheting potholders...out of multicolored yarn...I can only do two stitches and am practicing keeping my tension even and my pointer finger down instead of pointing straight up...not an easy job with old stiff fingers. The results of my labors...potholder looking pieces, some are wider at the bottom than at the top- the latest one the top turned into a ruffle...usually I admire my work for a little and then pull it out to do again.

Husband had a Doctor's appointment on Tuesday...we waited three hours to see the Doctor...he acted like he was seeing us on time...no apology or anything...since he will be wotrking on my husband's eyelid to correct a previous operation by another Doctor...I bit my tongue and counted to 40...I guess a patient's time is not as valuable as his time is.

Think I have caught up on my life...now that Blog is playing nice.


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