Wannabe Art

A place where one old woman shares her daily ups and downs and her attempts at art with strangers and friends out in Internet land.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Mind Ramblings Of an Old Woman

Am hoping that Blogger.com treats me good today...I lost an entry the other day...and in trying to replace it lost the functions of my keyboard, then when I tried to publish the site was down...hopefully today all is well.

First I have two watercolor entries in our small local watercolor show at the library - one is a picture of my husband and the other is a painting of my grand daughters playing with a crab.

Today I am going to my Bernina dealer to go shopping...she has a great deal...in your birthday month you get a discount equal to half of your birthday...this is the one time that it pays to have lots of years on you...I will receive a 31% discount on all that I but today. I have a list of things that I want...it will be like Christmas in February.

I have just mailed off three Valentine postcards...had a lot of fun making them, have my fingers crossed that they arrive intact..with all of their embellishments. I also have 12 postcards to get off to Virgina for the Chicago Show Fund Raiser. I am now hoping to join a postcard exchange so that every month I can both send and receive postcards. Am hoping to find a small group so that it still remains a fun exchange rather that a time demanding exchange.

Panama City is having a quilt show this weekend..its more of a traditional show than an art quilt type show...last year their take on a art quilt was a small quilt that showed a cutesy Santa Claus Sled scene...not exactly my idea of an art quilt, but it was a winner in that category. I always go but usually spend more time in the vendor area than in the show itself.

Well guess I have "old lady rambled" you enough this morning...


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