Wannabe Art

A place where one old woman shares her daily ups and downs and her attempts at art with strangers and friends out in Internet land.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

A Repaired Grammy

Too fully understand the revisions that have taken place on this Lesson 3 of my online class from Pamela Allen you need to read the previous post.

I made suggested corrections, reworked her face...built a sea turtle out of fabric and hopefully now she will pass muster from the teacher...ot at this stage she is pasted together...no sewing at all...so hopefully I will get the nod...so I can begin sewing.

Got the evaluation and a suggestion...the turtle is as busy as the character in the piece...if we change out the busy turtle with a simple fish...the focus is no longer split between the face and a "Busy Turtle (a turtle that was hard to recognize as a turtle)...the fish is easily recognized but does not compete with the mermaid...this is an easy fix.


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