Wannabe Art

A place where one old woman shares her daily ups and downs and her attempts at art with strangers and friends out in Internet land.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I gave up my beloved beach going jeep for a Prius about a year ago. The jeep was fun but had a limited trunk area, wasn't the most comfortable ride and I really didn't get the miles per gallon that I needed. I love my Prius and love getting 51 miles per gallon of gas. But I missed the ability to load up my beach gear and drive down on the beach. This summer while my grand kids were here it was a real pain dragging everything to the beach...by the time all of the gear was down there I was worn out, huffing and puffing, and really couldn't enjoy the beach as I was dreading the chore of leaving. So I "encouraged" going to the pool...great hun, your grand kids come to the beach and you force the pool on them.

My husband has taken pity on me and we have purchases a 4 wheel electrical vehicle that hunters use out in the woods. It is street legal, has seatbelts, a wind shield and seating for 4. It also has a cargo space in front, in back and on the roof. My SIL will be able to put the Kayak on the cargo top and drive it down to the beach...no more dragging it through the sand. The only thing that I wished I could have changed was the color...I guess Hunters aren't into bright happy colors.

It takes about two weeks for it to arrive ...so am now waiting on it. Will have to come up with a great name for it...and I am hoping that there will be someway for me to brighten it up a little so it looks like it belongs to a "beach going Grammy".


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