Wannabe Art

A place where one old woman shares her daily ups and downs and her attempts at art with strangers and friends out in Internet land.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Penpal Postcards

I volunteer once a week in a third grade class in our area. I go in and spend the day. I am usually doing computer type stuff with the kids, Powerpoint, Word, Research on Internet, Photoshop etc. But today am going to be doing fabric postcards with them. They are penpals with a class in the North who last week had snow, and we are going to make Florida postcards to send them. Sounds a little cruel, they are cold and rather miserable, and we are experiencing lots of sun and even shorts and suntan lotion days. Told the kids maybe this would warm their penpals up...I decided not to bring in the featherweight machine...so everything will be fused and glued. Have pre cut everything so no rotary cutter...so today should be lots of fun. My only worry will be keeping fingers out of the way of the iron and keeping fusible off of the iron. Have my tube of iron cleaner in my bag of supplies.

Just back from a great day. Here are some pictures:

Here is a close up...of one of the cards.

Had two great volunters who did the ironing and 20 kids who had a great time creating great masterpieces. Next week we do the backs of the cards. the kids had so much fun that they asked for a direction sheet with all the supplies so that they can make cards at home.


At 6:14 PM, Blogger Mary K. McGraw said...

Looks like the students had a really good time making the postcards.


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